“…said Florence McCabe, 62, a retired teacher who now sets her thermometer to 69-degrees instead of 73-degrees.”
Sheesh – there must be something wrong with us, then – our thermostat doesn’t go on until its under 60 or over 80.
Then again, the husband and I grew up in chilly London, where a lot of places had no HVAC – or even indoor lavatories – when we were youngsters.
PS – coffee makers – you can buy a genuine Bialetti Expresso maker – the octagonal ones which you screw apart – for about $25.
Fill it up and stick it on the stove like a kettle – eh voila! Perfect expresso in about 3 mins.
Want a latte? Pour half expresso (freshly made from your Bialetti) and half milk in a big mug and stick it in the microwave for a minute….mmmmm….:-)
My previous Bialetti lasted for almost 20 years of daily use – it finally went to the Great Recycling Bin In the Sky once the seals had perished.