I dont see where you got the dedication part. This was never dedicated to you, it was inspired by our back and forth of CV being a strong market. As for the bellweather portion, you seem to be trying to pick a fight for reasons I dont fully understand yet by splitting hairs. If it makes you happy forget the word bellweather and move on. I never proclaimed this the end all, be all of housing indicators. Its a strong market and one that many around here have an interest in. IMHO, it bears watching. I also think you went to far with my 4 day example, my point was simply that inventory was not growing at a time when it is seasonally expected to do so. Thats really all it was.
The first postings on this thread were to set the table and from there we will see which data points merit following. As for followers, i never realized that I had any. If you’ve been around here a while you would know I have been the most villified person on this board. I say what I think and what is on my mind without pulling punches. I encourage you to do the same. What i really would like to see is you add some valuable insight that you have no doubt gained from doing this as long as you have. My sole and stated purpose for being here is to learn, share with others and have a little fun. i’d love to learn something from you rather than just hearing that’s no good or it sucks. I’m sure you have more you could add to the conversation if you cared to.
While my home is not free and clear, i could pay the relatively small mortgage I have off if that was what I chose to do. I feel truly blessed to have what I do and know I am the beneficiary of nothing more than luck in arriving to purchase a home just as the cycle got going. I had no idea this would happen in the market when i bought my home. In fact, I thought if my house was worth in 25 years what it became worth after 5 years i would be very lucky.
As for my clients, I have no dreamers either. I typically work with bright people that want something special and who buy what they can readily afford. The difference is that I like to help ordinary or extraordinary people win at RE in above average ways. If all you do is meet the market average you havent earned your pay. My favorite client of all time is a civil service worker married to a waitress. We are still friends and we actually just got back from the padres game.
I dont like the fact that good people cant afford homes around here. It really bums me out to be honest.