Rus: Inconsistency? Yeah, you’re the model of it. I saw your little passive-aggressive tiff with SDR and sdr previously. That’s exactly how you play: Unfair.
You come out with what you think is a strong argument, only to have the facts prove otherwise and then you call foul. You wait for someone else to step up and then you support them by sidling up to the victim and shooting him/her from behind.
Boorish behavior? Okay, let’s see: It’s perfectly okay for you to “slip up plenty” and engage in the same behavior, but dismiss it, correct?
You are a veteran yourself, but completely unable to see anyone’s view but your own. And if people are too ignorant to understand how “enlightened” you and Scaredy and TheBreeze are, well, then the knives come out.
If you act like a coward, then I’ll call you a coward. Running away from a fight while calling me a bully over your shoulder makes you exactly that.