Rich, thank you very much for creating this site. There’s so much mis-information floating around and being passed off as “common knowledge” that its very easy for people to get confused. I used to be one of those confused individuals. I had a feeling (back in 2003) that we were in a real estate bubble, but couldn’t get my head around all the conflicting information. The issue remained very hazy for me until I stumbled onto your site (in 2005) and read the Bubble Primer. That was the key. The Primer didn’t try to simply tell me what to believe. Instead, it provided me with the data and the analysis to discern what information was true and what information was false. Clarity, at last!
I got married in the summer of 2006 and decided not to buy a house just yet. I could have made a huge financial blunder back then but this site helped me to forsee the housing crash to come.
I’m currently renting a house that I love in a location that I love for much cheaper than it would cost to buy. Eventually, when the price is right, I’ll buy a house. Thanks to you, I’ll have a better understanding of when the price is “right” for me.