It’s a good builder for a national, it’s not what ox wants, it’s not the typical Fallbrook avo ranch but it is an indication of the market there.
Ox, it isn’t just a possibility that prices ooze down the 15, it’s a fact and something that always happens. A few years ago when we were all making predictions the majority agreed with Bugs’ “all things are related” theory. The drops in Murrieta, caused buyers considering temecula to move 10 miles north to save 10-20%, next thing you knew that hurt temec sales and it responded with it’s own drops, then fallbrook esco lose buyers to temec ten miles north and this cycle repeats itself with new waves coming. At some point the whole Temecula Valley is half off and if fallbrook/esco isn’t it soon will be, then san marcos, vista oside, the final wave is carlsbad, poway, rb, carmel valley, etc. They are now experiencing the wave from two years ago up here, it’s anyones guess if the half off everything knockout blow will hit them because government intervention may take hold before they get theirs. But the brook and esco, they are too close the the epicenter, the effects are felt sooner, being felt now, so I would not call bottom in fallbrook or esco at the same on the calendar as carlsbad, they are on opposite ends of the pain trains tracks and the percentage of decline from peak is much higher the further out you get from the center.