[quote]A comparably rented home in SD sells for twice what it does in other markets. [/quote]
It does not! Differences are minimal. A median house in Mira Mesa rents sells for 350k and rents for 1800. A similar house in Brooklyn Park will sell for, say, 250k and will rent for 1500. (And keep in mind that the property tax rate in Mira Mesa is 1% and the property tax rate is in Brooklyn Park is more like 1.5%.) Houses are somewhat cheaper and rents are somewhat lower in MN, but price to rent ratios are similar.
[quote]So let us compare the ppsf of encanto (your suggestion) to brooklyn center.[/quote]
I have no interest in comparing Encanto to anything, since neither you or I want to live in Encanto. Let’s stay focused on ‘good’ areas.
I’d like to see an area in Minnesota reasonably close to Minneapolis where detached, 1500 sf, 3-br houses with good schools (at the very least, let’s keep them under 10% black) regularly sell much lower than 250k. BP does not seem to fit the bill. I’ve checked a few schools in that city and I couldn’t find any with <10% blacks.