PS, the link is a statement about human nature. You encourage me to a read a book, yet you are not willing to read a short article.
You are attacking me without addressing the underlying message in my posts. I make no claims to perfection, or that I know everything or have the answer to everything. The more I learn, the more I realize I do not know. I do know much more about history and human psychology than the average person (though certainly not an expert).
I am very happy to admit that your knowledge of the intricacies of the global financial markets surpasses my own, probably by a long shot. You have previously admitted that your knowledge of history is not as well formed as your knowledge in other areas. I am a devotee of history. I try to learn more everyday. I do not think it possible to see where we are going as a global community without understanding the past.
It is human nature to engage in warfare. Warfare should be avoided. We should go to significant lengths to avoid it. However, global situations change, sometimes frighteningly fast. An unprepared country can quickly become a dominated country.