I just watched the full video, and it created chills.
Although I don’t fully subscribe all the “conspiracy theory” especially regarding motives, I can’t help but think that the official story is not to be believed.
I suggest to anyone who wants to discuss this not to speak from your political point of view, and/or just discuss it from superficial level. (zk — I always like your arguments, but I think that here you jump the gun in your quick dismissal). For example, someone said that the theory couldn’t be because just one person knew — of course it couldn’t be. But with suppression, maybe only a few are daring to speaking out. Afer all, at one point, there was only one whitsleblower at Enron.
The twin towers’ collapses were such surreal sights that most of us were overwhelmed by the emotional/psychological shock, and almost too easy to be led to believe. Time for vigorous questioning. Thanks, PS.