Privatizing does not save money. As a government worker, I used to work for the government in government run facility. That agency was absorbed by the contract agency, who was a contract for the federal government for 10 years.
What the business did was hire low end employees for a buck, and keep positions open for years. It was fixed contract, so by not filling positions, guess who gets to keep the money?
SO, the government wised up to this, and changed the next 5 year contract to a time/materials contract. Essentially, now it is a body shop. He gets paid for every body that is working.
Remarkably, now there are NEVER any empty billets. The government expanded the number of billets, and I can guarantee you, I have seen MORE people DOING NOTHING at all. They fabricate numbers and there is this huge push for metrics, metrics, metrics. If we don’t get metrics, the contractors may have to get laid off! (But not for 2 years when the contract ends…)
They expanded programs that used to have 1 person, are now 5 people and a supervisor. So, now there are 6 people doing nothing.
It is absolutely corrupt, disgusting and I some days horrified that I work in it.