Private vs Public School. This is obviously a big debate and a difficult one to answer. Why? Because there are so many variables to consider. I don’t think it is possible, to make a blanket statement about either. The truth is,there are both good and bad public and private schools.
Having taught at public high school for 10 years, I can inform you about my experiences. Despite MSM reports, there are some students getting a good education in public schools. There are good teachers teaching good students. It is far from the mayhem that the MSM likes to report. Sure, there are some bad students, roughly 10% that need to be dealt with. (More swiftly in my opinion.) But overall, kids come to school and go about their business of being teenagers. What normally distinguishes a “Good School” from a “Bad School”, is the amount of PARENT INVOLVEMENT. I see this on a daily basis. Children, whose parents are active, get their students in the best classes and with the best teachers. And, they are being well educated.
Believe it or not, “EDUCATION” is not just about learning to be academic. Sure, it is important teach content, and to motivate students HOW, to learn. That is priority #1. But, being “EDUCATED” is also learning how to carry yourself in society and “LEARNING” about all different types of people. Not, just your own.
Don’t think for a moment, because your child is in an affluent area in either public or a private school, that there won’t be problems. You are kidding yourself. Drugs, primarily, are WORSE in these affluent schools simply, because of greater access to money. In addition, if both parents are not home due to work, throw in some peer pressure, and you could have a recipe for disaster.
The last thing I would like to mention is, the role the MSM plays in all this. For years, they have reported how terrible and dangerous public schools are. And yes, in some cases this is true. But for most, it is not. Unfortunately you always hear about the schools that are in “Dangerous Areas” preying on peoples worst fears.
Let me tell you a quick story. Harvard Westlake is the most prominent private high school in Los Angeles. Last month, two students apparently were having some relationship issues. The boy convinced the girl to sit in his car where he promptly pulled out a claw hammer, and beat her over the head and shoulders, 22 times. Do you think that made it to the papers? No, of course not.
Sure there are other problems in public schools that I haven’t mentioned, (bad teachers, administrators etc…) And, we could debate this forever.
All I am trying to say is, don’t assume anything because it is a public or a private school. Do your own homework, and find out what is best, for your own child.