pri…wondered the same thing. I think it was just not in fashion. THe olderplaces often have a proper crawl, but after that everything is a slab. Which is completely horrendous for serviceability. Can you imagine these homes lasting a hundred years?
“better” is hard to define. It is better than mission hills and southpark…the two closest similar neighborhoods in SD. There are a few streets that are similar, but few that are as nice where you could let you kid bike down the street in an city neighborhood and not worry them getting killed by a car.
It is totally subjective, but I lived in s. minneapolis till I went to college and 4 years in SD after I graduated. I love CA, but few neighborhoods are as nice as Tangletown. The closest I have found is the wooded area in Point loma (commerce is far away, but the uncrowded streets are similar) and the those few streets north of birmigham and w of the 5. Now if only I could afford those, then again those areas have the ocean whereas MN…doesn’t. But racing on Minnetonka is pretty hard to beat.
San Diego is sweet, and SD yacht club is sweet, but I am not wealthy. And there in lies the rub!
The yacht club I would join in MN is 500 bucks a year!!!!