Pri: I was pulling your chain on your days in the military. I have nothing but respect for anyone who served, regardless of service, and I was a butterbar myself at the beginning (along with being a cherry jumper as well).
For the record, I don’t disagree with your take on GOP obstructionism, although it has existed, in varying degrees, since the start of this great republic. I stopped voting GOP in 1996 and have grown increasingly disenchanted with the party in the intervening years, peaking with Dubya’s abysmal administration.
That being said, Obama is following Dubya down that same road. Bush’s foreign policies remain in place, as do his execrable programs (and Clinton’s) of renditions, expanded surveillance and limiting civil liberties.
I would say that Obama, in paying fealty to the unions and Big Labor, has also stifled the growth of business. I can say this confidently because I run a business in California and it has definitely gotten worse under this new administration. More paperwork, more rules and regs, and more of an anti-business attitude prevails. Look no further than the nonsense going on with the NLRB and Boeing to see this writ large. This is one of those WTF? moments. Boeing represents EXACTLY the type of large manufacturer that we need engaged, and the NLRB is doing a hit job on them.
I certainly do not hold the GOP harmless, but you cannot ascribe ALL of Obama’s woes to a recalcitrant Republican Party, especially on issues like healthcare reform. In truth, Obama held ALL the cards, as well as significant political capital, and badly bungled it. Also in truth, he should have focused on jobs first, with healthcare to follow, instead of the contrary.