Do you have the info on the CPA that you recommend?? I am still looking for a good CPA(not a shaddy CPA, had one of those and felt very uncomfortable) I have tried 3 the past 3 years and so far none of them has found anything that i have missed(I am not a CPA, just read a lot of the tax laws). I did my own taxes and then sent over my info to the CPA’s(1 different one per year, not 3 CPA’s in one year) and when they all have come back each year, they come out with the same numbers as I have, but then I had to pay 400 bucks (yah I probably got ripped off , but then again I had a house and also a rental which may have added to the cost)each year, so that is why this coming tax year I may just do it myself( no more rental house, just a house and regular stock stuff that is pretty straight forward). I am open to finding help.