I’m also sick of all the whining about govt workers.
We’ve spent **TRILLIONS** on Wall Street (far more than the budget and pension deficits in CA), where those who’ve created all our economic problems (including the pension problems, BTW) are getting richer than ever; yet the violent anger is missing there. I wonder why? It makes me wonder who is **really** behind all these attacks on public workers.
Distract the sheeple at all costs…turn them against one another. That seems to be the plan, and the sheeple are being led to the slaughter, just as stupid as ever.[/quote]
This is the typical leftists argument that makes the patently false assumption that wealth is a zero sum game. The TRILLIONS that has been spent on the private sector GENERATES WEALTH. Government agencies do not. There would be no budget for the government if it were not for the private sector. I don’t have any issue with a CEO making millions as that is taken out of the revenue of the company and not my tax dollars. It’s the left that tries to stir up this class warfare rhetoric and conveniently leaves that fact out.[/quote]
Where is this “wealth” being generated by these CEOs? I simply see waste and tremendous losses.
The government uses tax money to pave the way for private industry. It helps feed money into the economy from the bottom-up, and can do so without any debt offset.
What productivity do you see coming out of the financial sector? I see none…only destruction as of late. If the public is going to shoulder all the risks when things go badly, then the govt can just as well make direct loans. We don’t need the financial industry if all it does is skim money from the productive economy, then dump the mess on the public when (**supposedly** “unforeseen”) risks materialize.