interesting video presentation,… was waiting for the punch line “making the world a better place!”
perhaps adding that bit of gallows humor might have been just a bit over the top,… anyway given Moore’s law, asymmetric “autonomous-information” warfare is inevitable
Maybe that was the mission statement for the pseudo company in the video?? I don’t know if it would be a bit over the top. Maybe gallows humor is appropriate.
… https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2017-07/hyperwar
whats the old proverb, may you live in interesting times
the pragmatic goal for anyone w/ or w/out a tinfoil hat being,… “may you live thru interesting times”[/quote]
Can’t agree more. This is one of the things that I think banning won’t prevent. The knowledge is already out there. It might be better to think of how to defend against it. I like the link you provided. Did a read on your quote, and bookmarked the link to get back to it for a more thorough read. Here are two more links – one to the effect that putting a ban in place really won’t stop development.