PD – This might get a little out there but stick with me here.
I agree with you that from your perspective there are random events a person can’t control, can’t predict and which can’t be explained but given my perspective on life, random events simply don’t exist because I create those random events simply by the choice I made to be there and participate in the experience of them happening.
Unless I show up, “random” events don’t happen to me. So, the really funny thing is, whenever anything good or bad happens to me (what you call luck), I’m always right there when it happens. Nobody put me there but me.
So, in my view, I created whatever happened, to happen and when the illusion is that it is out of control, can’t be predicted or explained, in my world it always can be because I created it to be that way.
I say “I did that” a lot, regardless of what happens and oftentimes I surprise myself (much to my delight, regardless of the circumstances, “good or bad”).
To me, that’s the cosmic joke. By being totally out of control (the illusion) we are in control, without any effort whatsoever except the simple act of taking responsibility (the ability to respond).
For me, all life is cause and effect, because as soon as we make the choice that puts us in the “random” situation, it it can’t be “random” anymore because at some point, we made the choice to be there.
But hey, if it works for you to believe in luck and it’s useful in your life, then by all means, keep choosing that belief. I respect that. I am all for doing what works.
Now, having said that, I invite you to live for one week in the belief that you are 100% responsible for everything in your life, your world, your universe. Believe it with all your heart. Believe that you created it all and that you are totally responsible for the way it is turning out. Have fun with it.
Make believe that is your belief. Just pretend, like a child would, that you are the Master and Commander of your universe. Then watch what happens (without judgement).
When you take total responsibility for everything that happens to you during that week, for everything happening on the planet and from an even larger perspective, for everything that happens in the entire universe, something very interesting will start to happen (at least in my experience). You begin to laugh more, you lighten up and simply marvel at what you have created and what you are going to create.
Just pretend (because it’s all pretend anyway, nobody really knows). Watch how the feeling of power grows inside of you (kids are great at this). I love being around children because they have nothing on being really powerful. They say “I did that” a lot, regardless of what happens because I believe, in their purest sense; they know they are the ones creating their experiences, their lives, their universe.
Just do it for one week. Watch how the ownership of your life changes and then if it works better for you to hold that belief, change your belief. If not, well then stick with the good luck, bad luck, life is random in some instances theory. It has just as much validity as any other belief.
Believing in luck just never worked for me (that’s why I never gamble and rarely predict), because I always felt like to do that was to give up the power given to me from another source (God, Nature, Supreme Being…whatever you want to call it).
So I pretended that I was made of the stuff of whence I believe I came (the source of it all, pure intention, total responsibility, and unlimited power — you know, the force).
And then something really wonderful happened. I saw my life in a totally differnt way and it worked perfectly, regardless of my circumstances, which didn’t change one whit, but my perception of them changed a lot.
And because at that instant I took total responsibility for creating it the way it was (and the way it wasn’t), I figured if I could do that, well then heck, I could create it the way I wanted it to be, which I am in the process of doing everyday. My life is now pure magic, which is something I do believe in!
That simple process, of shifting my beliefs and pretending to be 100% responsible for it all, put me in my present state of mind. And now it’s my core belief. It makes my life real simple — good or bad — I did it. I get to own it. I created it. It’s totally my responsibility. Wow, I get to do it all and I get to respond again and again to what I have created and live in the process of constantly improving on it!
Life is funny, the older you get, the less you know until at some point you simply (as Fritz Perls said): “Lose your mind and come to your senses.”
As far as I can tell, we are the only creatures on the planet that believe in luck (well some of us do). I guess that’s why I’ve never had a dog named “Lucky” —