patiently – I think you are right. There is more optimism out there than I anticipated. I’ve seen some places for sale w/price increases. Defiant almost.
I was at the dentist waiting, flipping through a Times magazine. Don’t remember what issue, somewhat recent. Toward the end, a bullish article titled something like “Ignore the headlines,” touting buy when there’s blood in the streets – now.
Bugs – I’m a little confused. Talk about catching falling knives and dead cat bounce. If prices are expected to continue to decline, then it’s best to wait. Some properties may look like deals now at 15 to 20% discount. But if there is anticipated inventory on the way by year’s end, would it be too unrealistic to see another 10% chop?
Seems the lower end places will have more people interested, but wouldn’t it be true at most price ranges. The people interested in lower priced homes will be scramble to get something they can afford, as the median is trying to get a deal on the median and the higher priced homes will attract many higher income people looking for a deal on higher priced homes.
FWIW – I haven’t met anyone new to the area – living here, there is. Plenty of tourists. My engaged cousin 20 something just got a job offer in O.C. One less renter or potential entry level homebuyer in S.D.