[quote=paranoid]OCrenter: what facts are you looking at?
The facts I see are that all major countries in the world recognize Taiwan as an integral part of China; and most people around the world consider people from Taiwan as Chinese. You can choose how you call yourself, or how you want other poeple call you, but you cannot choose how other people call you. accept the facts. irrational emotion will only hurt your health.[/quote]
most countries acknowledge Taiwan as part of China because of Chinese insistence. This is international politics based on China’s internal need to create a made up reality. Because of its size, it can force others to acknowledge that made up reality. that does not mean it is real.
The best example was when the ROC actually had world recognition as the government of China despite the fact that the PRC was the effective government of China. the ROC had a made up reality at that time as well. But that did not mean it was real. The real government of China was the PRC, despite what the US, the UN, and the pretenders in the ROC said.
Facts on the ground is ultimately what matters. And facts on the ground is the reality of two countries. One country being China, the other country being Taiwan. Logically, the people from Taiwan should be called Taiwanese. I really don’t see why this is so difficult.