[quote=paramount][quote=CA renter]It’s just the fad right now to blame everything on public employees.
No, it’s not a fad, it’s an awakening:
While the rest of us (private sector workers) have been struggling to keep our jobs and pay our bills through this recession(yes… your wages are most of our taxes), you have been sitting at your desk, feet ontop, fat & happpy, not a care in the world.
Every morning you drive to work and sit at your desk and serf the web for the first 3 hours. You day dream about that nice little pension your going to get after just 15 years, which will be 2 or 3 times your salary. You drool with complacity as you enjoy the 100% stated funded healthcare benefits, the nice little income tax breaks you get on your house, and just laugh. Silly private sector workers.
There is no level of accountability with your bunch either. Mediocrity is not penalized, everyone just turns their head the other way. If you stink at your job or are just plain lazy, no one worries, the Union thugs & Democratic politicians protect you.
Whenever people oppose your lavish benefits, you all get together and accuse them of being racist, xenophobic, wealthy, Republican, etc. with the hope that they go away. You group even goes so far as to threaten them with acts of intimidation, violence, vandalism, etc. “You think back to when you have broken car windows, thrown bricks through windows and eggs at houses of non Union members that have opposed your union.”
After leaving work at 3:30 in the afternoon while the rest of us are struggling to pay your HUGE salary & benefits, you see house after house in foreclusure, see businesses closing and people losing their livehoods.
But you don’t care. Your politicial buddies will surely raise TAXES AGAIN to pay for your cookies. You hold your head up high, flip all them desperate people the birdie and think about the green wad in your wallet. F” them you think.
2010 & 2012. REALITY CHECK! Your ridiculous cookie benefits and gravey train is about to END. We are bankrupt! We have no more money to give you! You can’t fool us with this tax the rich garbage anymore. Your Unions have forced tax rates so high that OUR private employers are fleeing the country to stay in business. We have lost almost everything BECAUSE OF YOU!!!
Holy cow, paramount. Who is this “you” you’re talking about? I’m no longer a public employee, don’t surf the web for three hours (and don’t know any public employees who do that), don’t go home at 3:30 p.m., etc.
You are no more a private sector worker than the other public sector workers your rant about (assuming you still work in the defense industry). Your income comes from taxpayers just the same as every other public employee. Where in the heck did you get the notion that you’re any different than all the other workers who “suck off the government teat”?