Opps – sorry all – I have inflamed the religion aspect (I do admit a very strong bias – there are two worlds – the world of people who believe the dogma, and the world of people who consider it fantasy. These worlds will NEVER agree). This is a real estate blog and I will endevor to back off the anti-psalm singing as much as I can! Mea Culpa JG.
Bush is a horrific president – this has nothing to do with Religion. Conservatives do not all embrace religion – they are different topics. I am conservative in some of my beliefs, but am liberal in many. I do believe that the right wing (much of conservatives and Republicans) are ultimately based on greed – pure and simple. People vote their pocketbooks and most unfortunately many vote against their pocketbooks (without realizing it) because of disinformation, fear mongering, and carrots being held out to them. Amazing the vast number of people that vote Republican because of fear of higher taxes, changes in capital gains, more socialism, etc. when they are in the vast bracket which would benefit from them.
I don’t drive a Prius – but would support across the board legislation to clean up the environment both here and abroad. We have clean air rules here in this country – but we buy ALL our stuff from China and allow them to do what they want. Imagine if we required the Chinese to conform to strict environmental standards in order to buy each item they produce. We would have somewhat competitive marketplaces and we would from a business prospective increase business, not decrease it.
Again – FormerSanDiegan – no more religion here from me (unless attacked so everyone – don’t do it!). I’m not sure how much of the tulip story paralleled theBushMeister and if there was any reality – but economics is an amazing discipline – there is so much outside the study which affects the rest.
Anyway – Just completed my move to Bird Rock in La Jolla. I am hopefully gonna stay here a while. I promised my wife that I wouldn’t discuss politics, religion, or falling house prices with the neighbors as I do not want to be shunned by those who will not follow me as the prophet returned!