One thought on the type of person who would put $300K into a $2MM home then walk away – a bubble industry person who earned commission – like a MORTGAGE BROKER. Extremely high income the last few years but recently many of them have lost thier jobs or at least commissions. They should have read Pigginton. Lets hear a piggy cheer for the brokers’ bleeding. Those jerks made money by making it WAY to easy for people to buy homes. (Sarcasm intentional).
Mr. Wrong, yes, many posters here are emmotionally invested in the “rightness” of thier bearish predictions even if the predictions are based on reasonable objective analysis. And the piggers tend to attack those who contradict the party line – even though some versions are extreme (c’mon piggers – forget about a 60% price cut accross the board in nominal dollar terms – it will never happen. “The system” – congress, wall street, the Fed, and voters – will not allow it to happen – who ever is waiting for that outcome will be waiting forever or until thier naivete wears off).
Piggington is not a professional investors board, it is more like a dog fight and the crowd has already picked the winning dog. The bleeding (and the cheering) will continue. Interfere with schadenfruede on this board at your own peril.