OK, feng shui aside, why are so many kitchens designed with such poor layout? they put the stove, sink and fridge in a line maximizing how many steps you have to take to do anything. some put the stove, dishwasher and fridge in such a way you can’t open more than one (you try putting leftovers away while another person does the dishes); others put a fridge AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS to the basement (try catching that round object that has spoinged out of the veggie drawer); others put the dishwasher so that it blocks the one path OUT of the kitchen.
and don’t even get me started on what kind of sadistic designer thinks it was ever ok to put the laundry FAR AWAY from where all the laundry is generated, i.e. the bedrooms and bathrooms. that is changing, but it really doesn’t jibe with the way people live.
and how the heck do handicapped people find anywhere to live?