Here’s a Republican party that expects corporations to self-report their crimes (for EPA and SEC violations) and has lowered the budget for inspectors in both agencies. Who believes that white collar criminals have a greater propensity to turn themselves in than street felons? Only the current Republican incarnation. Oh really, white collar criminals like to turn themselves in?? What @#@#$@ study showed that?
Fixate on the numbers all you want, but the question is how did we get there? Lack of regulation/oversight.
Remember in the 80s when the military was paying for $800 dollar toilets? Due to what? Lack of regulation/oversight.
For all the squealing by the conservatives here about the bailout, the irony is that the conservatives didn’t want caps on executive compensation for companies that needed the bailout money.
So who’s being the idiot? Complaining about a bailout that’s trying to save our economy yet supporting the fact that executives being “bailed out” continue to receive their golden parachutes.
Dumb and dumber.
Meanwhile, look at Buckley, Parker, Will and Brooks recent spat of conservative essays wondering why anti-intellectualism and anti-education is governing the Republican party. You really think the US is going to be a competitive science power when we mock evolution, going to good schools, getting educated.
Little did I know that the immigrant dream of going to a good school is the penalty that’s forcing my generation of Asian-Americans to turn Dem. I mean if middle America is going to mock the Harvard, Yale, Duke, Stanford, MIT, Chicago grads, we’ll go Dem (travel around in the 3rd World a bit and realize that our taxes actually provide some useful infrastructure).
As for Obama being a Marxist, maybe someone should go back to school and study Marxism…..
And if you really think Jimmy Carter caused the housing bubble as opposed to lack of regulation regarding mortgage applications and derivative trading, you’re a @#$@ lost cause.
Furthermore, a number of you are being intellectually disingenuous when it comes to the bailout. Supporting the bailout from a pure save the economy viewpoint does not equate to supporting the policies that led to the bailout. Take your populist arguments where they belong. In the trash.