Oh, I understand all that, ER. You’ve stated here repeatedly that your current residence will likely be your “forever home.”
I wasn’t sure whether your improvements were visible from the exterior of your property … or not. I surmised you had spent at least $100K on them because of your various descriptions here on what you installed.
My point is (as I stated much earlier in this thread), that I don’t think anyone can really predict whether paid-off MR will actually improve the ultimate sales price of a property over recent comparable sales. In any case, buyers who have to get mortgages have lenders who will have appraisals done and if the agreed-upon sales price exceeds the appraisal, the lender will only loan the buyer(s) what they are qualified to borrow and only up to a certain LTV. So these buyers may very well have to make up the difference to the sellers from their pockets if seller won’t lower their price down to their buyer’s appraisal amt. If they cannot do so, they will have to back out.
Prepaid MR might make a property more saleable and sell much faster than the sea of listings around them which still owe MR. Whether or not that translates into any more money for sellers who prepaid MR is anyone’s guess.
In your case, it doesn’t matter because your pay-off was deeply discounted from what you would have had to pay your CFD(s) over the long haul had you not retired your MRs. And you will certainly own the property longer than the break-even point which I think you stated was ~10 years. So you prepaid you MRs strictly to benefit yourself.