Of COURSE, seniority means everything! It DOESN’T MATTER if millenials “think” they are smarter than their superiors because they were “educated” and “know how to dive for data.” They aren’t getting paid as much because they don’t deserve it …. yet. That’s what the “merit system” is in place for.
Imho, millenials would do well not to judge their superiors unless they have actually walked in their shoes. Since they haven’t … and in many cases, don’t want to, they may never find out. They have absolutely no clue the grit it took for them to attain their (lofty or not-so-much) positions they have today. And that’s okay. If Gen Y doesn’t end up vesting for a pension cuz they can’t work exactly the way they want to when they want to, then that’s on them. All their attrition does is create less competition for internal promotional opportunities for the workers who stay 🙂