You are correct that I should have not assumed that you are ignorant of health issues. I simple concluded this from your statements. You have made a plethora of assumptions yourself and although I feel little compulsion to defend myself, I will tell you that other than an occasional pen, pad of sticky notes, or coffee cup, I have taken nothing from anybody. Although I have done well in practice, I am not a wealthy person. Personally, I feel the road to hell is paved with hundred dollar bills, but that’s another story.
I used to be quite active and wrote on the subject of national health care/health care reform back in the 80’s when the corporate take-over was just under way. There are a great variety of issues in health care and it’s difficult to intelligently address them in a forum such as this. What I try to do in practice is empower patients by telling them that they are responsible for their own care. This is most important. We live in a society where exploitation through dependency is the order of the day. Remember, nobody in this system makes money keeping people healthy; it’s all about disease.
ocrenter, you are a very intelligent young man, but I don’t believe you understand the entire picture. Most people have a fixed system of belief, then work their way back to the argument. Try to keep an open mind. Remember that all things intellectual are relative and personal. People generally get into trouble when they attempt to impose their own reality on others.