[quote=ocrenter]SCA5 is actually a Hispanic initiated Bill. Essentially the majority will always try to use their raw number to suppress the minority, as Hispanics become California’s majority, they will also do their very best to suppress other minorities. I actually fear the new Hispanic majority more than I fear the old white majority as the Hispanic is going in with the idea that they are disadvantaged and need all of these extra rights.
As you mentioned, Asians benefiting from prop 209 was an unintended consequence the majority whites did not expect. I see the same with SCA5, whites and men will end up benefitting as they are now the under-represented group, something I’m sure the new Hispanic majority did not foresee.
I disagree Asians actually ever truly benefited from affirmative action, if so it was extremely short lived and limited. Remember, California history is filled with one racist law after another, all aimed right at Asian Americans, any potential benefit (real or perceived) will be quickly remedied.[/quote]Totally agree. At least with the white majority, they don’t feel they’re disadvantaged and need to create laws to make themselves less “disadvantaged” even when they become the majority, which they will be sooner rather than later.
I also disagree that Asians actually benefited from affirmative action. I don’t have data to back this up, but something tells me that it has always hurt the Asians. I know many first generation Asian immigrants who themselves work in blue collar jobs. However, they know full well that education is the way out and they pushed their kids to excel in education. So, just because 1st gen Asian immigrants were poor and uneducated doesn’t mean their kids were.