[quote=no_such_reality]I understand the basic appeal at a visceral level, but do most of them not recognize every trait of their worst boss ever whenever he wants his way?
Do they truly not realize that “you’re fired” would be applied to them before the end of the first day if they ever set forth in a Drumpf business?
I’m genuinely curious as I don’t believe the majority are overtly racist or total suck-ups. Are they just oblivious and uninformed as to who Drumpf really is? Or like Drumpf, are they just a bully at heart wishing they could throw money and their ‘weight’ around?[/quote]This is “crazy talk,” NSR. All this huffing and puffing and posturing on the bully pulpit on the part of Trump is going to be so over if he should ever get elected. He has stated numerous times (when asked) that he plans on selecting a running mate based upon his or her “governmental experience.” After his inauguration (if that should actually happen), Trump will follow around the heads of the various Federal agencies in the Capitol and the Pentagon like a puppy dog for the first few weeks/months of his presidency and learn in-depth how “the cow ate the cabbage” (as they say in TX/OK, lol). He KNOWS he’s not a bureaucrat and won’t be able to successfully effect any change at all if he doesn’t understand in great detail how the helm of our great nation works.
People are reading wa-a-a-ay too much into Trump’s off-the-cuff statements made strictly for “effect.” If you’re really interested in learning his positions on the issues, visit his website: