[quote=no_such_reality][quote=ocrenter][quote=no_such_reality]All those millions following the rules, paying thir fees, waiting in line look like such chumps[/quote]
So you are proposing rounding up a kid going to college that speaks no Spanish because he or she came here at age 3, who has never left the States since age of 3 because of the illegal status, and dumping him or her off on the other side of San Ysidro?
Is that the idea?[/quote]
What we have today is the result of Reagan’s FAILED amnesty. It brought more illegals in waiting for just this move.
For every fluff piece the LA Times writes highlighting an illegal that has done well, how many haven’t? How many went to jail? How many were burdens on our health care system? How many fester in sweat shops? How many flood our schools?
Kick them all out, then welcome the Americanos back. Until you kick them all out, we are just going to increase the problem. The price of every kid like Ana being welcomed is the price of her remaining illegal family members (Mom now appears legal) leaving until they come back LEGALLY.
In the mean time, we need to make it massively EASIER for people without criminal and terrorist backgrounds, good education and work ethic to come. Illegal immigration is like a basket of apples. For every shiny apple liek Ana in the story, how much rot is underneath?
We need to make it easier to come and work without skills and leave and come back. Legally without legal citizen rights as part of a work program that puts the burden for funding, health care etc on the employers.
We need maximum enforcement on illegal labor EMPLOYERs. When the CEOs and OWNERs start going to jail, the demand for the illegal labor will go away. No jobs, no new people coming. No expectation that they can just stay, no new people coming.
All this move does is pander to the latino vote and encourage more people to come and be abused for 20 years while they wait for a political pandering moment.
So yes, OCR, we need to be really harsh, because until we are, we just create more of the problem by setting the expectation that we’ll just accept it later.
And maybe we can add that $130,000 price tag for her 13 years of education to the price of staying.[/quote]
Agree 100% with your entire post, and really support the bolded part.