No such reality hit the nail on the head and was
able to quickly post what are my general thoughts.
I’ll add this – in the US we eat and drink what the media tells us. And, we aren’t strong enough in will or in self respect to overcome the marketing messages.
We are social beings and that seems to override our
ability to seek out the more sustaining and healthy habits
that would keep us out of the doctor’s office or the hospitial. We do what we were taught to do early in life
and we can’t seem to gravitate to the lifestyle that includes getting a little exercise and pushing ourselves
away from the table, etc.
There have been studies done in other countries who have a
fraction of our health problems, but despite knowing exactly what we could do about it, the word fall’s upon deaf ears. But, interestingly, as countries become more affluent, they take on the bad habits of countries like the US.
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but plan to rend it when it comes out. I don’t hold MM in particulary high esteem. But, I like that fact that he’s made a name in covering topics in the mass movie market that otherwise wouldn’t be.