No offense but, you are wrong. What I meant to say is that the wording used in today’s test are not the same “Dick and Jane” type words used in yesterdays testing. You have to have better comprehension. They are infact more difficult. Part of what I was refering to was the RAVEN test. That test was invented in England I believe.
If you have a kid, they aren’t very old. Apples don’t fall very far from the tree, and I can’t always help my kids with their homework in math. My son’s teacher said if he didn’t have the book, he couldn’t either. Because you just can’t remember that far back/ everything. Also, It is much more complicated today, than it was in when you or I was in school.
“4)It’s interesting you equated “involved parents” to home schooling. This wasn’t my understanding of involved parents meant. Involved parents in my mind meant being parents that had your kids attend public school, but supplemented the deficiencies in school. There will be a lot, regardless of which district you belong to. ”
I never mentioned that, that is NOT what I meant.
I was just saying, some are born that way, but your kid will do well if you make sure you give them self esteem and basic skills.
“Showing your work”: 15 miles in 10 minutes would mean traveling 90mph across 52.If you use 14.1 miles as you stated to cross 52, “10 minutes” would mean you’re traveling 85mph across 52. The mathematical “fact” can’t be disputed.”
Okay, so I speed. I got these damn genius’ I gotta get to a private school in La Jolla, in traffic, if I don’t it’s probably gonna be a 2hr commute down that highway!(Just kidding don’t freak.)
“6) If you moved/bought in Santee. Don’t let what other people say here make you feel bad. If you’re happy with your decision, that’s all that really matters. People say lots of crap about where I live on this board.Who cares?”
I don’t, no one has change my mind. I know that to me it’s the best deal in S.D.. I have a problem with the people who were making the untrue statements. I think that they were just having fun trying to make me mad, now. Juvenile.
As for the shooting,( I knew someone would bring that up)all I can say is he was not a product of the Santee School system.. He was from a different state, his problems started long before he got there…poor kid. That has got nothing to do with the learning evironment, happened at Virginia Tech, it happens at Mc Donalds, on the freeway, at work.