Home › Forums › Other › 2011 API scores are out › nla wrote:Eastern Chula Vista
[quote=nla]Eastern Chula Vista high schools’ scores are not that bad:
Bonita Vista: 851 Asian: 933 Filipino: 902 Hispanic or Latino: 826 White: 883
Eastlake: 833 Asian: 915 Filipino: 874 Hispanic or Latino: 807 White: 861
Olympian: 845 Asian: 871 Filipino: 902 Hispanic or Latino: 816 White: 862
Otay Ranch: 824 Asian: 912 Filipino: 893 Hispanic or Latino: 787 White: 868[/quote]
Shhh… this is the county’s best kept secret, nla. We must remain humble while 95% of homebuying Piggs are still fixated on all points in North County. We don’t need more overcrowded schools down here, lol.
So it is and so be it :=}