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…just sayin'[/quote]
“The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.” Unknown – but it sounds like Mark Twain[/quote]
yup its true,… if you set your “goals” low enough it is possible to exceed them
since you mentioned “being a pessimist” FWIW IMHO that “mindset” is self-defeating,… BUT having a sense of situation awareness along w/ a sense of humor unto itself does not guarantee success; however, it does improve the odds of “success”
not too long ago a friend from my “flying circus” days (basically a guy who flew for the USAF and now make a living being a 777 driver) sent me an article that seems applicable to the topic of mental outlook and outcome,…
[quote] Why Fighter Pilots know that Quick Reactions are for Losers
…I know to ‘respond’ and not to ‘react’.
Years of instructing in flying training and exposure to situations that require critical thinking in demanding environments, have taught me that to ‘react’, is to die.
I’ve seen it countless times in young, inexperienced aviators and normally it’s because they haven’t had a plan for the event they’ve encountered…