[quote=Nicole] My mother-in-law is currently living with us (helping with the baby) and father-in-law is back in Ohio. By the time they plan on moving out here my mother-in-law will have already lived here well over a year. Do you think the conventional wisdom about renting a year still stands?
You know your family better than I…I can tell you that I have not led my life via conventional wisdom and I’m happy as a clam…but then I’ve never been anywhere close to the norm.
Personally, I would think the 1 yr rule applies to both of them and, since he’s back east, the clock doesn’t start until he spends all of his days in the California sun. Partially cutting the cord is an entirely different thing than completely cutting the cord.
But if your pa-in-law has lived in many states during his lifetime, if he’s lived in CA before, if he has no long-term ties to Ohio, then it may be perfectly safe to ignore the 1 year thing.