I know you can read correct? Have you read SOPA? Just because Congress says the name of the bill is “Stop Online Piracy Act” do you believe it is Consitutional? Come on, I’ve got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
You are correct that Congress can pass laws to protect intelluctual property. They cannot do what they are proposing in SOPA. Again this website would have to be immediately shut down or Rich Toscano would be held liable for any link on the website and Rich would have to police the internet. You should really read the law and you should be irate that it even made it anywhere near Congress. It is only the general welfare clause that allows them to propose such a thing.[/quote]
Either you can argue that the general welfare clause only applies to the enumerated powers or it applies to powers beyond those that are enumerated (as the courts have held). But now you seem to be arguing that it should be meaningless, that it doesn’t exist at all, and that congress is not authorized to ever consider general welfare.
I am bothered that it’s made it anywhere near congress, and thankfully, it’s highly unlikely to pass. But you’ve made it unconstitutional, not based on what’s in the constitution, but rather what you want the constitution to say. I’ll call it the markmax amendment.