[quote=marion]DWCAP, a decent, family man does NOT leave a crippled wife. She was a model or former model when he married her, and he left because the horrible car accident she was involved in rendered her “ugly”. His reasons for leaving should be obvious by virtue of who he cheated on her with and subsequently married: Blonde, statuesque, WEALTHY Cindy. An exact replica of “Barbie”.
McCain has as much character and integrity as a street rat. And that’s not to say that some of the dems are any better.[/quote]
I’m worried about McCain myself, but I think ascribing the divorce to his first wife’s accident when the woman herself claims otherwise is a bit unfair. Not to mention that McCain divorced her 17 YEARS! after he returned to find her crippled.
Now he may have left his first wife because she wasn’t young any more, or he hit his midlife crisis, and having an affair and leaving his wife for some other woman doesn’t make him a decent guy, but let’s try to stick to reality without trumping things up.