Marion: “It isn’t what this thread is about, so I won’t even argue your view of kids except to say that someone that doesn’t want to see kids running around is scary to me. No judgement of you, it’s just plain cold and scary. Kids are the best part of this world.”
In my view kids are not the best part of this world. They’re anchors that restrict freedom and adventure. But that’s just my view, obviously not shared by the majority or yourself. But that’s ok. Different strokes for different folks. That you find anyone who doesn’t want kids “cold and scary” is patently ridiculous (and hysterically funny). But, of course, you’re free to hold such a misconception. In fact, it benefits those of us who have no interest in kids because our frigid-scary natures will (hopefully) scare the likes of you away, thus reducing the odds of our ever having to interact on any level save an internet forum.