Marion, I differ with your conclusion that a man is sleaze if “…part of his attraction to …” a woman is their “…luscious asses.”
“Another thing about the sleaze factor, I found out he liked dating women with luscious asses, which was part of his attraction to me.”
What if “part” of his attraction to you was a different part of your anatomy? Say your face for instance? Or your breasts – either big, medium, or small?
So if it is your face that attracts a man then why is that less “sleaze” then if it is your behind that attracts a man? I like to look at my wife’s ass. Her behind attracts me. It gets me turned on. I’ve been married for 20+ years. And my wife’s ass still turns me on.
That is a big part of attraction for me as a man to a woman. What’s wrong with that?
One more thing – men are visual. They get turned on by the visual. Women get turned on by the emotional. You might find some exceptions here and there on both sides but on average I think those are true statements. That’s just the way we’re built. It’s in our genes.