I worked for GM back in the early 90’s in the automotive engineering department in Dayton, OH. I have never witnessed more inefficiency in my entire life.
I would roll in to the shop in the morning and no lie every guy in the union doing stamping would be sitting there reading the paper, smoking cigars, and just sitting on their ass until 10:00 a.m.
If I needed something on a RUSH forget about it. Unions breed laziness, contentment, and bankrupt businesses. I witnessed this first hand. There day has come and they are going to get the old suicide squeeze if Mama Obama grows a pair….
graduated HS in Detroit area, so know all about winnning the lottery, otherwise known as getting a job for auto co, port union or pretty much any GOVT job with a GED. We know that super high wages/benefits (for the work done) have added about $1500 per car. But Rick Wagoner gets to keep his job even though HE signed those union contracts too.
But are the guys in Hollywood or Wall St saints? They take (otherwise known as theft) salary/bonuses as a percent of revenue in one unit instead of total company profits as in every other business. Then they dont pay taxes on the movie because they uses accounting tricks to claim that the movie lost money when it grossed $150M. How much of that theft is in the $11 movie ticket? $18.4 billion bonus total for 2008 on Wall St while many firms went bankrupt/bought for $1 or bailed out by taxpayers? Where do you think that money came from? Stolen from taxpayers/shareholders.
Its a damn good thing those unions workers are lazy or else they would go torch Wall St, but they wouldn’t find it anyway cause the nav system on the GM car would take them to the Chrysler plant.