Luck is a factor in everyone’s life. However, some people are very good a greating luck or seeing a lucky opportunity that others miss. Some people see the lucky opportunity but are too lazy to act on it. Others see it but can’t act on it for some reason.
Most people who have earned great wealth have done so because they were smart. But I’m sure they have had some lucky breaks. They have also been prepared in case bad luck hits them.
I’m a planner. Everytime I get on a plane, I plan my exit in an emergency. I count the rows and locate all the exits, etc.
My husband once asked me what I would do if he died. I launched into my detailed plan. When I was done, he had a stunned look on his face and even seemed a little upset that I had thought it out. He has a very dangerous job, I’d be stupid not to have figured out what do if the worst happened.
I’m trying to be patient for the right opportunity. I hope I can recognize it when it comes along!