The establishment is so fearful (of losing power) they are now resorting to identying Trump with Nazi’s, kkk and who knows what else.
Again, I’m not a Trump supporter but this is ridiculous.[/quote]
How else should one supposed to interpret Trump’s failure to disavow david duke?
I found trump refreshing initially. But now he just looks like a mad racist.[/quote]
You interpret based on the bias you have.
I saw the interview and his response seemed reasonable to me – he basically had no idea what Tapper was talking about. How does he know that Tapper is providing reliable/accurate info? He said he knows nothing about white supremacy. Fair enough.[/quote]
We must have watched two different interviews. This is what I am referring to (right at the beginning of the video):
He knew exactly what tapper was talking about. And to declare that he “knows nothing about david duke” is a blatant lie.
Not to be defending Trump here, but he was very visibly tired (maybe even exhausted) when Tapper threw that question at him. Anyone with half a brain and knows how to use it knows that Trump has never had anything to do with David Duke or the KKK. A candidate can’t control all the looneybins out there who get on social media and say he/she would make a good president.
. . . On Feb. 26, Trump held a press conference to announce the endorsement of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. With Christie at his side, Trump was asked how he felt about receiving Duke’s support. “I didn’t even know he endorsed me,” Trump said, clearly irritated by the question. “David Duke endorsed me? OK. Alright. I disavow. OK?” . . .
Trump didn’t want to give this ridiculous “endorsement” even a second more air time that it deserved. I honestly think that when Tapper first threw the question at Trump that it was truly a complete surprise to him and he was knocked off balance (after several days of getting very little sleep).
And I’m so done with the MSM bombarding me with irrelevant drivel they dug up which Trump might have been quoted as saying as far back as 1988 when he was simply floating the idea of running for public office but never did so (now I know why I turned in my cable box). The issues our country had back in those years and the issues it has today are night and day. Rubio and Cruz are too young to track back 25 years ago and blast on the air today what they were saying or doing back then cuz they were kids at the time. It’s not a level playing field between the Republican candidates in this regard. Nor do I CARE who Chelsea’s biological dad actually is (a moot topic at this late date) or whether or not Bill and Hill have had a marriage of convenience or simply “for show” the past 2+ or even 4 decades due to both Bill and Hill’s future political aspirations. If this is actually factual, than they are just one married couple among many millions, lol …. if they’re happy with their “arrangement,” I’m happy.
And at this moment, I’m still a registered Independent. I’m going over ALL the candidate’s proposals with a fine-toothed comb on what they will do to reform/repeal Obamacare and especially the Medicaid expansion portion of it which is a complete disaster. There are millions upon millions of 55-64 year olds living in states with expanded Medicaid/Medi-Cal who are very comfortably living on a reported $15K – $35K annual income and are also able to afford a reasonably priced healthplan on their own (without a subsidy) and HAD been paying their own healthplan premiums without fail until Obamacare swooped in, causing their longtime insurer to exit their states. This is ESPecially true in CA where many homeowners in this group are paying property taxes on an assessment equivalent to 1/2 to 1/10 of their actual property value. This group can easily live without public premium assistance until they reach the age of 65 and are eligible for Medicare IF the six major carriers who exited the state at the end of 2013 are brought back in to compete for business AND are allowed to sell policies (incl HDHPs) which cover their members across state lines with a HUGE nationwide list of providers.
As it should be.
The gubment has no business whatsoever dragging everyone in this group who signed up on the exchange into their “Medi-Cal dragnet.” Medi-Cal managed care plans in CA don’t even have enough providers to serve the truly poor, much less for those who can easily immediately access funds to pay a $5K deductible and/or a $12K OOP maximum annually. HOW DARE my gubment tell me how much I can and can’t pay and what kind of healthplan I’m required to buy (or in the case of forced Medi-Cal placement …. “join”) and subject my estate to repayment of all “premiums” from day one which I never used! I predict what boomers are left on Obamacare are going to drop like flies off of it in the coming year …. at least those who reside in states which adopted expanded Medicaid, do not currently have any serious health problems and who have any assets at all. Carriers participating on the exchanges are ripping boomers off on their monthly collection of our now exorbitant premiums which have only been artificially run up due to the existence of gubment subsidies (much like the cost of college has been run up in recent decades due to the proliferation of available student loans). The carriers now feel they can get away with 20%+ annual rate hikes due to lack of competition and because they think their members don’t feel it (exorbitant rate hikes) as much due to receiving a “subsidy” to help pay their premiums.
Whoever gets elected POTUS needs to repeal the ACA in its entirety or piecemeal beginning the day after they are inaugurated …. yes, even Hillary. To that end, I’ll help in any way I can.