You know I love entertaing the masses and I hope people find the truth entertaining. Seems I hav etouched a nerve as you try to dismiss the truth as stalking. I am not stalking you. I dont care who you are outside this blog but on it you are a fraud. I’ve never been to Jamul and dont paln on going anytime soon.
If anyone should be banned it is you Russell. You add nothing to this blog that I can see.
I’m waiting for you to contest this data. Seems to me you are the one with anecdotal viewpoint. Bring data.
I have no problem with folks expressing viewpoints here. Lots of folks do but when you claim to be doing so as a real estate insider it’s time to push that BS button of yours.
We are waiting for you to prove you have some credible viewpoint on what is going on as a real estate insider. The only shameful thing is the fraud you perpuate here.