Farls, I will agree that diplomacy is better than war — the vast majority of the time. Sometimes diplomacy no longer works. Many countries have become adept at making threats about nuclear programs, taking our money or some other thing (like airplanes) in exchange for worthless promises, pretending for a short while that they have done as they promised, then they start rattling their saber again, we pay them off again… All the while they lie to us and continue doing exactly as they please. This is bribery and it seems to be quite effective – for them. It enriches places like North Korea and Iran while doing nothing to actually stop their march toward gaining nuclear weapons.
Lostkitty, while the US did use nuclear weapons sixty years ago, we are extremely unlikely to use them again, unless someone uses one against us first. There are plenty of other countries that are much, much more likely to use them first and start a nuclear war. Iran, with their extreme element, qualifies. Contrary to what you may be about to argue, President Bush would never, ever employ a preemptive nuclear strike.
Police wear weapons are their hip. Should every person, regardless of their criminal record be allowed to wear a gun on their hip? Would you be safe? Iran has a history of instability. Do you really think allowing them to have nuclear weapons is good for their neighbors, good for us, good for the world? Does anybody really believe that a nation rich in cheap energy (oil) would desire nuclear energy? Oil may be expensive for us to buy, but for a big oil producing country, it is cheap for them.
Does anyone really believe the Russia and China are not getting something out of the deal? PS points to Russia and China as “proof” that nothing untoward is going on. This is proof of nothing except, perhaps, collusion.
Lostkitty, I have been associated with the military for 20 years. In general, I have found an enormous amount of talented, good people. Like any organization, there will be people who should not have been promoted or should not have their current job. If your husband had to work for one of those people, that is unfortunate. It will probably happen again in the civilian world. It is true, however, that the military is hamstrung, to a certain degree, by an inability to immediately fire a person who is not performing.
As for all thinking people getting out, I am amazed at that statement. My husband has three masters degrees with honors. I think he qualifies as a “thinking person.” Perhaps you meant that people who disagree with our war in Iraq are getting out. I will agree with that statement. We live in a free country. Our military service is voluntary. There are some people who must wait, like your husband, because they knowingly and willingly agreed to stay in for a certain period of time in exchange for some other benefit. But when their time is up, they are allowed to get out (except during limited periods of stop loss).
As for foreigners going home, so what? I am sure there were a lot of Americans in France and Germany who have come home in the last few years.
Farls, what are the tax requirements of expatriates? Are you required to pay taxes but refuse? I really do not know the answer to this question and am interested in your response.
Farls, I also agree that Americans should travel the world more. Americans are very insular. I travel abroad whenever I can make it work. With small children and a husband with a very demanding job, it is very difficult to schedule.