“legally all assets accumulated prior to marriage are not community property”. What happens if those previous assets require some upkeep after the marriage, like a house would? It seems that might taint the separate property quality of the previous assets.
I’m not an attorney. I wonder if the only way to really be sure that prior assets don’t become community property is to put them in a fully self-sustaining trust, with other assets that generate enough income to pay any upkeep expenses.
And I’ve heard relying on a pre-nup is like tossing a coin… Maybe it’ll work, maybe not. You’ll never know it doesn’t work until you need it.
I can’t afford to live on half of what I’ve accumulated, and I don’t see how it’s OK to just hope that doesn’t happen, so I am… still single. When I get to double my current assets, I’ll give you a call, Marion, unless there’s a kindly attorney out there who can show now there’s a cast-iron way to preserve separate pre-marriage assets!