kewp I mentioned the firefighter arson event because it is much more probable… I went to high school with a guy named Jack Conger… he was kind of a sketchy dude… well turns out that he grew up to a sketchy adult and indeed started a pretty big fire in Topanga many years back… just to get work. He was a firefighter.
As far as checking the statistics… if we had a fire in downtown san diego it would have a huge statistical spike… a ton of homes that burned were foreclosures or short sales, imagine that! If we have a monster fire in Rancho Santa Fe we will not… So I don’t really understand the statistics you are pointing to…
If a community burns then a community burns… if you take the number of homes in that community and then make a ratio of the number of distressed homes in it, then your measurements are meaningless because even distressed communities like Lemon Grove for instance have crappy pockets and not crappy pockets. Are you saying that if there are 10,000 homes in a community and 1000 are distressed then there better be a 1 in 10 ratio of burned homes as well? It is purely very much of a reach to try to use ratios like you are thinking to find a so called smoking gun. Really, I do not dispute that maybe some random idiots torched thier home while homes around his burned (though I highly doubt it) but I still think it is a bigtime reach.