If you don’t like CA taxes, move. Please. And take your crappy taco stand with you.
…blah…don’t want to pay…blah…leave.
No, the root of the problem is rich people and small business owners employing illegal immigrants…[/quote]
More mindless, illogical, irrelevant, and below-the-belt comments from kewp. But, okay…
Who said there should be no taxes? Higher taxes are not a solution; lower taxes will be better in the long run. Of course like all liberals, who can’t think long term you take a good concept to the extreme in hopes of making communism look better.
The fact is higher taxes will drive businesses away. No businesses = no college students. If all your fee paying students leave, the gov’t will just continue giving you grants? For what, your socialist slant and defense of anything anti-Bush?
Rich people and small businesses pay more taxes than anyone. I won’t argue with you on immigration but it is one cause for raising taxes. So why raise them and subsidize those living off the system? Your arguments are laughable.
So many snark comments from people offended by the idea of lower taxes, only because they associate it with Republicans. W and Arnold are not acting like Republicans. Some people like small gov’t. They don’t want mind-numbing handouts or their lives micromanaged by big brother.
No one defending higher taxes has offered any explanation as to why this is GOOD for CA’s economy. It balances the budget – for what? a year? Then what?