JWM: You’re also presupposing that print and electronic media journalists have the intelligence to pose a leading question in order to solicit a reasoned response. Might be a little bit of a reach there, amigo.
Having watched Katie Couric discuss everything from the war in Iraq to global warming, I have a wee smidgen of skepticism as regards the ability of journalists to formulate any sort of coherent thought.
And after reading much of what passes for news in such propaganda/party organs as the UT, I wonder if the people “reporting” the news would be able to frame it in the proper context and report it fairly.
Not to sound overly harsh, but lately it has been a little like reading “Pravda” when it comes to unbiased reporting about RE, the credit situation or underlying market factors.
Of course, “Pravda” did have those great political cartoons. And those really good borscht recipes.