Speaker you are right on target and echo my intentions exactly. It’s easy to attack someone unjustifiably while being anonomous. Powayseller found it easy to do so to me and I wanted to show her how it felt as well as let her know that she’s not as anonomous as she thinks. Civility should always rule the day.
Powayseller-my attack was to show you how I felt and I think I proved my point. I immediately posted a second post to let you know my intentions and never posted any personal information as I have no intention of revealing your identity. The information i posted wasnt wrong, it was what was in the public records which I clearly pointed out. I suspected it was incorrect (as it often is) and was trying to get under your skin. I have apologized for doing so and apologize once again. I do find a couple things incongruent about you. I have never met a “Social Butterfly” that focuses on such solitary pursuits as reading, running and trolling the internet while being content living in what could be considered the middle of nowhere for several years. Also advertising your home as located in Poway because it is the Poway School district is akin to advertising a Carmel Valley Home as being located in Del Mar, a University City Home as being in La Jolla or a Southwest Escondido Home as being in Rancho Santa Fe. It’s inaccurate, plain and simple.
Seasoned successful realtors understand that our role is as facilitators between buyers and sellers. Our job is to provide maximum exposure to the market, negotiate on behalf of our clients, explain the legal responsibilities of the client and most importantly work with the other agent to bring the buyers and sellers to a place where both are satisfied being. Sure there are some “hotshots” running around in leased fancy cars, with big hair and big sunglasses, pictures that must have been taken at their high school prom and running around like their **** doesnt stink but they are kidding themselves that they had anything to do with their clients making money. Anyone that bought real estate between 1997 and 2002 looks and feels like a genius. They had the good fortune of good timing. I am one of those that feel fortunate to have nothing more than good timing.
Lastly, my neighbors and son’s friends are supportive because we’ve been together for 7 years and expect to be here for another 15 to 20 years. There are 3 or 4 long time rental homes on my street purchased by astute investors who have 30 yr fixed mortgages, positive cash flows and will own them forever. The tenants come and go every year or two and the neighborhood rarely gets to know them. I’ve met several of them and my son played with one of the neighbors yesterday. They are a very nice family and I dont think anyone else in the neighborhood even knows their names. If something happened to one of them, my family would reach out to them because my wife is a social butterfly. I doubt anyone else would.