Do you think for one second that the aggregate republicans are any dumber than the aggregate democrats?
You hold up the ignorant conspiracy birthers on the right as some shining example of stupidity, but what about the 911 truthers (or whatever they are called)?
What about the inner city welfare queens, the white trash dole subsister? The fact is much of the american populace is not too impressively intelligent.
This onesided narcissism is killing me. If we realize that most people are not too intelligent about politics, isn’t that a powerful example of the need for limited government? After all I do not want some know nothing democrat or republican affecting my life…[/quote]
I’ve only noticed one poster making references to republicans being dumber than democrats, so the “you guys” is a gross generalization.
And the false equivilence you’ve made between the birthers and 911truthers is simply not credible. This morning’s news brought polling results showing only 38% of Republicans believe Obama was born in the US. The 911truthers never had ANY traction, among democrats or others. Not a single elected federal politician gave it the time of day, unless they were assailing it. The press barely did. The 911truth thing was seen by most as unquestionable stupidity. The birther thing, not so much among Republicans.