It’s also pretty common for kids over 8 or 9 to walk or take public transport to school, and travel to other countries with friends by age 16 or 17. Helicopter parenting isn’t as common as in the US — kids grow up more independent.[/quote]
If kids were raised today like most of the boomers grew up, they would have the parents locked up for neglect LOL.
There was no day care in those days.[/quote]
I walked home alone from kindergarten. By 8-9 definitely on my own.[/quote]
Definitely. My sister and I would walk to the corner market when we were 4-6 years old. Walked to and from school by ourselves (maybe with some friends, too) when we were 6-7 years old (took the school bus before that…mom didn’t walk us to/from the bus after the first couple of days to be sure we knew where to go). Stayed by ourselves while our parents went out to eat when we were around 7-8 years old. Definitely “neglect” by today’s standards. From the kids’ perspective, we enjoyed our freedoms very much! I feel that this kind of upbringing gave me a sense of confidence and independence that I would never have had if raised by helicopter parents.
Not sure if you guys saw this story about some parents who were totally harassed and threatened with arrest and losing their kids because they let the kids lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s sickening.